Injuries from Bus Crashes

Injuries from Bus Crashes

Injuries from Bus Crashes

While bus crashes are rare, passengers often suffer serious injuries. They are not wearing seatbelts, and they are thrown around in the bus. The resulting trauma could cause death or significant injuries.

Buses are large and heavy, and the force of the crash is greater than that of a passenger vehicle. Their centers of gravity mean that they could overturn in an accident. Those are the accidents that usually have mass fatalities.

Head and Neck Injuries Are the Most Severe

The most severe injuries from bus crashes are when there is head and neck trauma. Without any kind of restraint, passengers are thrown from their seats. Their head may hit the seat in front of them or another object in the vicinity. This could cause a traumatic brain injury. In addition, hitting one’s head could also result in a spinal cord injury when a passenger breaks a vertebra in their neck. Passengers could also suffer broken bones when their bodies hit something inside the bus.

The bus company is often legally responsible for accident injuries. Many accident investigations find that the bus driver was poorly trained or negligent in the accident. In other cases, the bus company was cutting corners with a poorly maintained bus. In any event, you may be entitled to compensation when someone else was to blame.

Who You Can Sue for Bus Accident Injuries

If you have been injured in a bus accident, you could file a lawsuit against the following:

  • The bus company
  • The government (if the accident happened on mass transit or a school bus)
  • The other driver who caused the accident (truck or car driver)
  • The maker of the bus if the vehicle was defective

Experienced Beverly Hills Bus Accident Attorneys

To schedule your free consultation with a Beverly Hills bus accident lawyer, call Jalilvand Law at 310.478.5500 or contact us online. We will explain your legal options.

