How A Fracture Can Disrupt Your Life

How A Fracture Can Disrupt Your Life

How A Fracture Can Disrupt Your Life

Fractures are a common injury that might not have long-term symptoms, and with the proper treatment, the majority of breaks heal quickly and easily. A broken bone usually takes four to eight weeks to heal, depending on the health and age of the patient, as well as the location and severity of the break.

However, there are some fractures that can have a long-term impact on your body, as well as your life. Usually, the length of time that the break takes to heal is dependent on the type of fracture experienced and the amount of damage that has been done to the bone, as well as the surrounding ligaments and muscles.

Here are five long-term effects of bone fractures:

  • Nerve damage
  • Decreased strength & increased discomfort
  • Joint problems
  • Anxiety & depression
  • Inability to participate in certain activities

Nerve damage occurs in cases where the bone is seriously damaged. Although it will typically heal on its own, it may take anywhere from weeks to months to years. Sometimes, it never does heal completely. This can cause loss of sensation, feeling, and touch, and disrupt an individual’s motor functioning. 

Decreased strength in the area of the bone fracture is common and can impact your life in various ways. The joints near the bone that was fractured are also susceptible to damage. This can lead to augmentation of pre-existing arthritis, problems with movement of your joints, and general pain in the joint areas. 

Anxiety and depression are sometimes psychological impacts accompanying a serious injury like a fracture and may be disruptive to your life as well. Finally, and most debilitatingly, is the decreased ability to participate in certain activities. Certain chores and daily responsibilities you are used to carrying out with ease may become difficult, and you may need assistance while your fractured bone heals.

Speak with a Beverly Hills Personal Injury Attorney

If you are the victim of an accident that has left you with a fractured bone, you don’t have to deal with it alone. Contact our dedicated Beverly Hills personal injury lawyers who will help you seek the compensation you deserve from any liable parties. Contact Jalilvand Law today either online or by calling 310.478.5800 today.

